Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Part timers=Alzheimers??

So here I come across this picture on Facebook, it was posted on an old friend's site. I of course go check it out, I love old pictures. Mind you, I've known this girl since we were 3, she lived across the street. We grew up together. Anyway, low & behold, I'm in this picture. I even had to ask my mom to make sure that was me. The really sad thing is, I soooo don't remember anything about this picture except for the 1 girl that I grew up with. I don't remember the gal/leader that's in the picture, how old I was, what we were doing, nothing, zilch, nada. How sad is that?
Can any of you guess which one is me?
The winner (the 1st one that correctly guesses, will win a prize. a small set of personalized stationary). Let's have some fun. Remember, I had to ask my own mom because I didn't recognize myself. Have fun :)


Bil said...

Julia and I can't tell so we are going to guess the 2nd one from the left. (our other guess was the girl on the far left).

Hope all is going great for you guys!


Anonymous said...

We have our winner already! Boy that was fast.

Anonymous said...

I purposely didn't make it hard but I so didn't think it would go that fast. Good Job!

russandkatie said...

that was easy, second one from the left! you look just like Kennedy!

russandkatie said...

I just read the other comments and realized that I was right! Yeah!!!

Claire said...

That was going to be my guess as well!

Mama J said...

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say... You are the one on the Far RIGHT! HA!!! Love the Shorts!