Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Families ARE Forever

Oh so many tears. I came across this blog http://patrickandashley.blogspot.com/ in a round about way from blog hopping. My heart stopped when reading this tragic story. As a mother I can't help but have heart ache for this family. I wouldn't know what to do, I don't know that I could go on living if my child was taken early (in my opinion of course, but ultimately it's the Lords plan right) from this earth. Their precious little girl returned to Heaven thru a tragic accident. My heart & prayers go out. I can pray & pray but I as a mother wanted to do more, so I'm posting this song which is available for download to help with all their medical costs. I may not know them personally, however, one parent to another, we are connected. I hope & pray that the Lord sends his love & sends angels to this family to help them thru this horrible time in their life.

Preslee's Song

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Hard Blessings

Wow, we seem to be having quite a few hard blessings right now (but who isn't right?). I'm grateful for these hard blessings, grateful that I learned from an amazing family that trials are hard blessings & don't have to be so negative. Looking up these future blessings makes them easier to endure that's for sure even though they are still hard, however, I know without a shadow of a doubt that the Lord knows us better than we know ourselves.

I'm grateful for the Gospel and my relationship with my Father in Heaven. How do people survive in the world without that relationship? That astounds me. I'm grateful for my husband who works hard to be a worthy priesthood holder, that I can call upon him morning, noon or night to receive a blessing. I'm very blessed in my life & sometimes I need to remember that, I need to remember that more often.

We've had several funerals in the last year (I think 10) each one, I walk away with something new. This last one was from another amazing lady who lived just shy of 99 yrs. Her family talked about her testimony & that they always knew she had a strong love for the Gospel & for our Heavenly Father & Jesus Christ. She made a point to write it down, so that the kids, grand kids, etc... will always have that to read. She also made a point to serve other but more importantly her family. I love my family more than anything & if these hard blessings have taught me anything it is that this is the time to really teach my kids old school stuff clothes line, washing dishes by hand, etc...). There will come a day when we won't have the luxuries we have now & this is the time to teach them not later. So going "green", saving money & teaching my kids how to work more with that hands all go hand in hand.

I love my calling, it has allowed me to step out of my comfort zone quite a bit & I've learned to like it, which for me usually means, it's coming to an end :(. I have grown to love Dee Cherry & Judy Mckinstry as 2nd moms. I have tons of respect for them & their wisdom. They've been gone traveling quite a bit this year (they both have lost their moms this year), as stressful as that was I was able to step up and really serve the sisters in a way that I haven't before & guess what? I LOVED IT!!!

My kids well, they are getting antsy, school starts in a little less than a month & they can't wait. Rusty has made a new friend in the ward, Ethan Stein & they get a lot great. I'm so glad that he has made a friend in the ward that has so much in common. He's had some struggles this kids this year, it's been quite sad. He's a good kid but I need to remember that he needs to learn to make his own friends & that he doesn't have to be friends with everyone.

Kennedy well she getting bored this summer & really really really can't wait for school. She lost her 1st tooth over the weekend. Her tooth was so small, she actually swallowed & didn't know it. She was so worried that the tooth fairy wouldn't come but our tooth fairy ROCKS!! She left a note along with $$$.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

horrible blogger

I am a horrible blogger, I admit it. I do it while it's still new & fun but then I get bored, (shame on me).

I'll do a quick update on the fam.


She will be six 2 1/2 month (where did the time go??). She finally has a loose tooth, what the heck, I didn't say she could grow up. She finished Preschool with flying colors. I wasn't surprised. She loved LOVED school. She loved her teachers just as much. She was sad when she first heard that kindergarten was 1/2 day but then they offered all day, thank goodness. $170 of pure happiness. She a busy body, loves to sing & dance just not in front of people. She is still shy but doing a lot better. She loves Primary. She's ready to be big girl. What more can I say she is as girly as they come.


He will be 11 at the end of the year (ouch, that hurts). He's doing great. Lost off of his teeth. Braces are the next thing to discuss but after this next school year, paying for Kennedy's school is priority. He's okay with it. He did great over at Copperwood, loved it so much better that ALTS, a lot less strict & a ton less homework. It helps when most of the ward goes to Copperwood as well. Rusty's ready for the 5th grade. He is currently working on reading the Book of Mormon for the 2nd time this year. His Primary teacher challenged her class to read it once & so he finished in May & is almost done for the 2nd time. It's a great challenge & he loves it.

Me & Orville,

Well, not much new except we've decided to go more green. We cut out the use of the dryer for the most part & also cut out the use of the dishwasher. We will save so much on electricity & water (from the dishwasher). The kids so far are loving it, they love the clothes line under the patio. They both get to help with laundry & dishes. We made it exciting by going green, since it's all over the tv, news, schools,etc... The kids want to know what other ways we can go green. Other than that, nothing else new. Business is barely staying afloat in this economy. We now have a facebook page, we will be doing some advertising, new website & we both feel very good about making some positive changes.

Life is good, we have our trials but we are making the most of it.