Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Kids & Ice Cream trucks

I can't believe I forgot to post this. It was so funny.
The other day, I think Thursday, anyway. I promised the kids several weeks ago that the next time the ice cream truck came by I'd buy them something. Well, low & behold he
came by. Rather fast I might say, but the kids went screaming.
We ended up in the car with the windows down and the kids yelling for the ice cream man.
Now, if any of you have been in our neighborhood, there's only 1 main street. So the ice cream man couldn't be hiding. So down the street we go, we ended up in the neighborhood behind us. We go driving by and the kids scream "There he is, there he is." So I pulled the car
in reverse to go down that street. Mind you now we have on lookers laughing. We go
and buy the kids ice cream and they are extremely happy. The things us parents do to make our kids happy. It was so funny and in the end we all had fun, we even came back with a treat for Daddy.


my mudda' calls me jack said...

darn that ice cream man. bringing torcher to every parent. kids screaming and freaking out everytime they hear the haunting music. are ice cream man drives by our house atleast twice a day!!!! i'm glad it was a good experience for you though!

krishna kashyap av said...

Its really amazing feeling to see
the kids happy..
That is what we want any point of
time in our lives..
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